Landon Diving Services
Boat Detailing Services

Your Hull Cleaning & Boat Detailing  Specialist – Serving Suncoast Florida

who we are

About Us

Landon qualified as a Class II Air Diver and Underwater Welder in November 2015. He also qualified as a NDT Underwater Inspector and Diver Medic.  He has worked internationally on various off-shore diving projects. 

In 2021, he decided to start his own diving company and the rest is history. Working under water can be dangerous and precaution must always be taken. He is diligent, embraces work ethics and follows safety guidelines. 

He is reliable, has insight and always tries to find solutions when needed.  

  The weather can be unpredictable and can cause re-scheduling of services. You, as his client, will always be kept in the loop and be notified when changes are made.

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Hull Cleaning


Keeping your boat clean is essential for optimum performance. Depending on the season and area, we suggest a 2 or 4 week cleaning cycle. On scheduled boat bottom cleanings we charge a per foot rate.

Other Services

Zinc Inspection & Replacement

We will inspect your anodes and replace where necessary. It’s important to replace your zinc anodes on a regular basis to ensure your boat is protected from electrolysis and corrosion. A small investment in new zincs, can help save your boat from major damages. Prices are charged per zinc installation.

Special Requests

Owning a boat gives you many privileges, but every now and again there are those additional unplanned maintenance issues that pops up. Give us a call and let’s see how we can assist you.

Pile Wrapping and Cleaning

We remove all the barnacles and any hard growth by scraping pilings down to bare wood or the wrapping.  If you don’t have your dock piles wrapped, we highly recommend you do for additional protection. Talk to us.

Search and Recovery

Drop something valuable No need to worry we got you covered.

Floating Dock Cleaning

We remove all the barnacles and any hard growth.

main service



Sometimes time flies faster than anticipated and excessive growth build-up sets in. If your boat has not been cleaned in a while, then we need to charge you an hourly rate to remove that excessive growth.


of recent works

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Your Hull Cleaning & Diving Services Specialist
Serving Coastal West Central Florida